No Room for Cowards when Being Spiritual!
“Everyone desires connection…”
The word spirituality brings up such a diverse collection of meaning to people. But I believe the essence that filters through the opinions is the same. Everyone desires connection, it is part of our tribal nature. But no matter how much family support or friends we have, within each of us, there is a longing that presents itself as an unfathomable loneliness. It’s something we question and can’t quite put our finger on… as to what this desire is.
So, we turn our focus outside of ourselves and often try to fill this void with substances of all kinds. Or, needing validation, we exist, or put demands on others, or try to get a sense of purpose in what we do. I believe this is because our life compass directs our life externally through our five senses which wants to make sense of our surroundings and keep us outward focused.
“Spirituality represents the Hero’s Quest…”
For me spirituality represents the Hero’s Quest, the inward journey back to our authentic self that is content no matter what the circumstances. That place where peace about who you are is unconditional, and is not affected, by what you do and what others say. That place where ”I am enough.” That quiet place of ‘being” that reflects the expression of the creative force of the universe.
We call this the unique Essential Self Fulfillment, or the spiritual journey, beckons us to come and collect the unloved parts of ourselves we discarded in our childhood as we took on roles to gain acceptance within the tribe.
“Moving us toward union between soul and spirit.”
We are called to access a new compass, an internal one that points inwardly, drawing us away from co-dependency and moving us toward union between soul and spirit. To reclaim this unique Essential Self, as in all great hero stories, our journey must first of all take us into the depths of the labyrinth where our shadows lurk. This is to find out where we disconnected from our internal guidance system…known as spirit.
This involves removing the walls we put up early in our life to protect ourselves from the pain of not being enough. Every brick in the wall is made up of the congested energy and emotion of any experience that rejected or didn’t affirm our essence. To break down this wall and reconnect to our powerful essential self we have to be willing to release the pain of those moments that have been unresolved.
This is the work of the hero in the labyrinth and the information gathered here is invaluable in helping us piece together where, like in the old spiritual myths of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, we went to sleep to our Essential Self.
“There has to be more to this life I am living.”
“Help! I was so comfortable in my life and all of sudden the rug has been pulled out from beneath me. All the things I was certain about no longer seem to give me happiness. There seems to be an ever widening chasm going on inside me which is separating what I thought would make me happy from a puzzling deep sense there has to be something more.”
These words have been uttered more than a thousand times in my office, people like you and me who, at some point in their lives, felt a disquiet inside that gnawed at them day and night “There has to be more to this life I am living.”
I am not talking about “more” in a material sense because this musing permeates the minds and hearts of highly successful people, right across the board, to people who feel life has never given them a chance. I am talking about a feeling there has to be more to “ME” than just going to work, raising a family and heading for the old people’s home.
“The feeling can be summed up in one word –dissatisfaction!”
You know this feeling has a name…it’s right on the tip of your tongue, but for some reason you cannot verbalize it. Let me help you out here… the feeling can be summed up in one word – dissatisfaction!
Now I get really excited when someone presents with this feeling because I know change is in the air. But, I also know most of us would rather retreat silently to the couch, with a tub of ice-cream trying to coexist with this uncomfortable feeling, than face the challenges change brings. This is because for some reason the very thought of change scares us silly. So we start to justify, “my life isn’t that bad, after all, compared to others, I have little to complain about. Dissatisfaction indeed, I’m good. It’s all good.” Yet there it is again, that same damn feeling!
“You are at the threshold and there are two important steps…”
Behold, dear reader, if you are experiencing this, you are at the threshold and there are two important steps that can happen here: first, you could give yourself a damn, good talking to, and tell yourself, to just get over yourself. After all, you have just rationalized you are comfortable, you have all you need, and stay exactly where you are. Or, second, you can hear the call to adventure, and like Alice, plunge headlong down the rabbit hole to discover an inner world of amazing possibilities, creative endeavours, under-utilized talents and that elusive chestnut…a sense of purpose.
That purpose is to love the journey of “becoming”, expanding your essence and living your life authentically by actioning your intrinsic values. By doing this you bring deep meaning to all that you do. Your life moves into a flow which allows you to be like a river moving around the obstacles placed in your path. Or, when the path is blocked, you forge new paths, content in the knowing whatever is presented, you have the internal power to face it, deal with it and add it to your bank of wisdom life is longing to give you.
Brings us to a deep contentment of self-love and the self-acceptance…”
Spirituality calls us to be authentic which ultimately brings us to a deep contentment of self-love and the self-acceptance. We are an ever evolving expression of universal energy. Surrendering to this allows us to naturally shine grace which inspires others to start their journey back to the power of their own magnificent essential self.
Tag:coward, religion, spirit, spirituality
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Until Next time…
With Rosemary’s contribution, we now have four posts looking at Spirituality. We looked at some of the different forms of spirituality, then the evolution of our species’ religious thinking and today Rosemary’s special perspective on spirituality.
Also, remember to check out Friday’s exciting, webinar at:
Finally, please remember to send us your feedback and monthly theme suggestions…we love to hear from you! If you have a specific question about SPIRITUALITY or are looking for strategies for dealing with yours, contact me.
Namaste, Ken