Youth Summit 2014 with Ken Pierce
You remember Sharon in our June 5th post, the fast talking, quick witted, working mother with two daughters…suicidal Bonita, 18 years old and 5 year old Bethany. And you recall how Sharon just wanted them to to be “happy!”
Well, in case you missed it, here is the SHORT, POWERFUL, NEW Webinar entitled “STOP trying to be Happy!” we developed to offer you more information on this vital topic. Here is where you can learn specific ways to grow your Gratefulness instead. Here you will find the three keys to uncovering more gratitude, certainty and love in your life. Please check it out right now!
And send us your questions, your opinions and your feedback. If you liked it, what other topics interest you? If you didn’t like it, what would you prefer instead? We look forward to hearing from you soonest!
Namaste, Ken
“Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – Aristotle, Philosopher
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